Secretary News
Voting is Open! (May 2024)
Senior and Young Adult members who joined the NAR before August 3, 2023 (NAR number 117673 or lower) are eligible to vote in the election for the three seats that are open on the Board of Trustees. Online voting is open now and will continue through August 1. (For voting purposes, a Young Adult member is defined as one who has reached his/her 16th birthday as of August 3, 2024.)
You will find candidate statements and an online ballot in the Member Resources section of the website.
You can vote online, or you can return the mail-in ballot in the May/June issue of Sport Rocketry, or in-person at NARAM. You can only vote once!
NAR Scholarships and Grants (April 2024)
Did you know that if you are a NAR member between the ages of 17 and 22 attending college or vocational school that you may be eligible to receive a $2000 scholarship from the NAR? Or that young women majoring in STEM fields are eligible for a $3000 scholarship sponsored by the Estes family? Are you a teacher who uses model rocketry in the classroom? You may apply for a $500 Robert L. Cannon Educator award. Do you run an after-school program involving model rocketry? You are welcome to apply for a $500 NAR Extracurricular Activity Grant to support it.
At NARCON 2018, Vern Estes announced the Gleda M. Estes Scholarship for the Advancement of Young Women in STEM. High school seniors and college freshmen majoring in STEM fields are eligible to apply for this $3000 award. A separate application is required for the Estes Scholarship. You may apply for both the NAR Scholarship and the Estes Scholarship, but recipients of the Estes Scholarship may not receive a NAR Scholarship in the same year.
Scholarship applicants who major in aerospace engineering are automatically considered for the Leonard Fehskens Memorial Scholarship, a $2000 endowed scholarship honoring the memory of longtime NAR member Len Fehskens. High school seniors and college freshmen planning to study science or engineering are automatically considered for the Jay Apt Scholarship, a $2,000 scholarship generously endowed by veteran astronaut and 50+ year NAR member Dr. Jay Apt.
Please note that the NAR and Jay Apt scholarships are open to applicants attending vocational schools as well as community or four-year colleges.
Visit for more information and application instructions. The deadline for applying for all awards is June 1st. Awards will be presented at NARAM, but you do not need to be present to receive an award.
If you have questions regarding scholarships, please contact Mark Wise at For questions about the Cannon Grant or the Extracurricular Activity Grant, please e-mail Claude Maina at
NAR Scholarships and Grants (March 2024)
Did you know that if you are a NAR member between the ages of 17 and 22 attending college or vocational school that you may be eligible to receive a $2000 scholarship from the NAR? Or that young women majoring in STEM fields are eligible for a $3000 scholarship sponsored by the Estes family? Are you a teacher who uses model rocketry in the classroom? You may apply for a $500 Robert L. Cannon Educator award. Do you run an after-school program involving model rocketry? You are welcome to apply for a $500 NAR Extracurricular Activity Grant to support it.
At NARCON 2018, Vern Estes announced the Gleda M. Estes Scholarship for the Advancement of Young Women in STEM. High school seniors and college freshmen majoring in STEM fields are eligible to apply for this $3000 award. A separate application is required for the Estes Scholarship. You may apply for both the NAR Scholarship and the Estes Scholarship, but recipients of the Estes Scholarship may not receive a NAR Scholarship in the same year.
Scholarship applicants who major in aerospace engineering are automatically considered for the Leonard Fehskens Memorial Scholarship, a $2000 endowed scholarship honoring the memory of longtime NAR member Len Fehskens. High school seniors and college freshmen planning to study science or engineering are automatically consid¬ered for the Jay Apt Scholarship, a $2,000 scholarship generously endowed by veteran astronaut and 50+ year NAR member Dr. Jay Apt.
Visit for more information and application instructions. The deadline for applying for all awards is June 1st. Awards will be presented at NARAM, but you do not need to be present to receive an award.
If you have questions regarding scholarships, please contact Mark Wise at For questions about the Cannon Grant or the Extracurricular Activity Grant, please e-mail Claude Maina at
Board of Trustees, Call for Nominations (February 2024)
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) is pleased to call for nominations for the Board of Trustees. We are seeking candidates for three positions, to serve for terms of three years.
NAR Senior members with three or more years of tenure who wish to run for election to the Board of Trustees are invited to submit self-nomination statements of 300 words (including a brief description of any specific service goal you want to focus on if you’re elected to the Board) to by noon (Eastern Time) on April 5, 2024. Please include a photo with your nomination statement.
Resumes and ballots will be sent to every NAR member in the May/June edition of Sport Rocketry.
This year, you may vote:
- online (beginning April 20) OR
- by using the ballot contained in the May/June issue of Sport Rocketry OR
- in person at the Town Hall meeting at NARAM 65.
You may only vote once. According to the NAR By-Laws, only Senior and Leader members who joined the NAR prior to August 3, 2023 (NAR number 117673 and below) will be eligible to vote in this election.
New Trustees will take office at the conclusion of the Town Hall meeting at NARAM-65 in Pueblo, Colorado.