NAR Headquarters Update
The NAR is updating our member database and website.
Due to the database transition, our website will have limited functionality and members will not be able to log into the member functions of the site from December 6 through December 16. During this time our headquarter office will also be unavailable and closed to allow staff to work on the conversion.
Please be aware that action will be needed on your part once the new website and member database are active. All members will be receiving an email from Club Express and the National Association of Rocketry with login instructions for the new website and database. You will receive this email on or before December 16.
You can be assured that even when we are not available to answer your questions, the National Association of Rocketry, staff is working hard to make your experience with the new website and database straightforward and pleasant.
If you need to contact the NAR with a question or issue, please send an email to NAR-HQ @ or call back after December 16.
We thank you for your time cooperation and patience during this transition.