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Latest News
- NAR Headquarters Update (12.5.24)
- A message from the President regarding the new website and database. (12.1.204)
- Questions about NAR Sections
- Questions about Insurance
Do you have news relating to model, mid, or high power rocketry? The NAR will post a link to your news item on the NAR.org website. Please send topics of interest to: latestnews@nar.org.
Welcome to the
National Association of Rocketry
The NAR is all about having fun and learning more with and about sport rockets. We are the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. Since 1957, over 100,000 serious sport rocket modelers have joined the NAR to take advantage of the fun and excitement of organized rocketry. Read our organizational statement to see more about who we are and what we do.
Visit Organized Rocket Launches
This is a great way to get into rocketry! There are 100’s of flights in a single day. NAR sections host a great many launches each year, these launches include model, mid and high power rockets. The launches are held as part of local, regional, and national events. Check out our Launch Windows listings for upcoming launches in your area.
Connect With Local Clubs
When you get together with model rocket flyers in a NAR Section near you —participate in building sessions, launches, and more! Your sport rocket designing, building, and flying is always more fun when you have rocket flying friends joining you. If you’d like to have a club closer to you, we’ll even show you how to start a new one!
Liftoff With High-Power Rocketry
Build bigger, climb higher and fly faster! As an adult NAR member, you can become qualified to purchase and use rocket motors more powerful than those allowed to be sold to the general public! All HPR Certification Procedures, tests, and applications are available here.
Visit our Exclusive Members Only Forum
Members have exclusive access to our members only forum. The forum will allow you to immediately connect with fellow members on a local, regional, and national level. The forum will allow you to engage in meaningful conversations about the topics that matter to you. There are communities for General Rocketry, High Power Rocketry, Competitive Rocketry, plus many more!
Exciting National Events
The National Association of Rocketry holds annual national events; NARCON, NSL, and NARAM. The events move around the country and appeal to every type of rocket enthusiast.
NSL East 2024—NSL East is set for Nashville, Georgia. Join us the weekend before Thanksgiving, November 23, 24, 25. An event specific website is available.
NARAM-66—The NAR annual meet brings together all NAR members for a 4 or 5 day competition. The next national championship meet, NARAM-66, will be held at AMA Site 3, Muncie, IN. NARAM will be held June 21-26, 2025.
The NAR Provides Insurance
Today, that perfect local launch field is likely to belong to a school system, park department, or private landowner who insists on being covered by insurance before allowing you to fly. While we’re proud of our safety record, it helps to know that NAR members are covered by $5 million worth of personal liability insurance to give that site owner added peace of mind! Questions about NAR insurance, click here.