Events - 29 Jul 23
Florida Spacemodeling Association - Monthly Launches
FSA conducts monthly NAR-sanctioned launches at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach. Launches take place on the last Saturday of the month, except for November [...]
2023-07-29 Beeville Rocket Launch
The South Texas Rocketry Group (STRG) NAR#921 is hosting a family-friendly rocket launch. Everyone is welcome, and it is free. Donations are gratefully accepted to [...]
JMRC Monthly Sport Launch
Monthly Sport launch including record trails and club fun contest events. Port-a-john and club launch equipment will be on the field.
SATURN Rocketry New Field Launch
SATURN rocketry of Hendersonville, NC has a New Sod Farm Location for club launches. It is located 3 miles outside of Brevard NC. 2089 Wilson [...]