Events - 17 Feb 24
WSMC Junior Qualification
Not an actual launch, just a placeholder to store WSMC qualification flights for junior team
WSMC Senior Qualification
Not an actual launch, just a placeholder for WSMC qualification flights for senior team
CRMRC Monthly Launch
Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC) monthly low, medium, and high power launch up to 10K, M motor. Launch equipment: rods - 1/8"x3', 3/16"x4', 1/4"x6', [...]
Warren County NRC, FAI, and Sport Launch
Exact start and end times are somewhat fluid, contact the CD for updates on start time. Bring your own gear. No waiver. Launch will focus [...]
WTSV Presidents' Day Is Coming Launch
Sport launch open to all at Eggemeyer Field, 3 miles south of Wall, TX. We support launch of low power, mid-power, and high power rockets [...]
RGV Rocket Club February Monthly Launch
Monthly Low/Mid power launch by the RGV Rocket Club. 491 to Barnett Lane then South to dead End. This is west of Lyford on 491 [...]