Florida Spacemodeling Association - Monthly Launches
FSA conducts monthly NAR-sanctioned launches at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach. Launches take place on the last Saturday of the month, except for November [...]
ROCK's Monthly Model Rocket Launch
ROCK's monthly launch is held on the first Saturday of the month at the Barr Street Entrance of the Little Econ Trail in Oviedo, Florida. [...]
WOOSH Monthly NRC and Sport Launch at Johnson Creek
WOOSH Monthly NRC and Sport Launch at Johnson Creek, WI NRC and Sport rockets may be flown NRC contestants must provide own contest supplies such [...]
CRMRC Monthly Launch
Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC) monthly low, medium, and high power launch up to 10K, M motor. Launch equipment: rods - 1/8"x3', 3/16"x4', 1/4"x6', [...]
Florida Spacemodeling Association - Monthly Launches
FSA conducts monthly NAR-sanctioned launches at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach. Launches take place on the last Saturday of the month, except for November [...]
ROCK's Monthly Model Rocket Launch
ROCK's monthly launch is held on the first Saturday of the month at the Barr Street Entrance of the Little Econ Trail in Oviedo, Florida. [...]
WOOSH Monthly NRC and Sport Launch at Johnson Creek
WOOSH Monthly NRC and Sport Launch at Johnson Creek, WI NRC and Sport rockets may be flown NRC contestants must provide own contest supplies such [...]
CRMRC Monthly Launch
Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC) monthly low, medium, and high power launch up to 10K, M motor. Launch equipment: rods - 1/8"x3', 3/16"x4', 1/4"x6', [...]
Florida Spacemodeling Association - Monthly Launches
FSA conducts monthly NAR-sanctioned launches at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach. Launches take place on the last Saturday of the month, except for November [...]
ROCK's Monthly Model Rocket Launch
ROCK's monthly launch is held on the first Saturday of the month at the Barr Street Entrance of the Little Econ Trail in Oviedo, Florida. [...]