RCP# 2018-05
From: Mark B Bundick NAR# 19250L Email: mbundick@comcast.net
Type of Proposal: Regular
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change: I am proposing a change to Classic Model to permit entry of models whose designs have been published in a magazine or NAR Section Newsletter. This change will expand the potential universe of models available for the event.
State the Logic of the Change: Classic Model has been welcomed by competitors as a way to relive the past history of our hobby and to introduce younger members to that history. While there are certainly many kits which meet the event criteria, there are equally interesting models which were not kitted, but were built and flown from plans in commercial and NAR published magazines and section newsletters. These models deserve an equal opportunity to be built, flown and shown off to competitors and members. Based on comments received during the comment period, the original submission has been enhanced to address how model rocket plans without color information should be handled, using wording borrowed from the Concept Sport Scale event.
Effect if any on Current Competition and NAR Records: There will be no impact to manufacturers, required skill levels from competitors, model judging time or range operations time from this proposed change. Competitors will have opportunity to build new models, if they choose, or may continue to build and fly Classic Models that were commercially available kits. The change may induce more competitors to attempt Classic Model using their favorite magazine or newsletter plan.
Exact Wording for the Rule Revision as it should appear:
55.1 Scope
Classic Model comprises a single event that emphasizes craftsmanship while remembering the historic legacy of model rocketry. The purpose of this competition is to produce a flying replica of a classic model rocket kit or published model rocket plan. The model must have been available for sale in kit form or published as a plan in a magazine or NAR Section newsletter prior to 1990 and the builder must provide documentation to support this. If the original published model rocket plan did not depict the model in color, colors of contemporary models may be used to suggest a scheme consistent with the original work. The modeler must submit data to show the selected colors, patterns and markings would be similar to other contemporary models.
Models that are still in production can be entered in this event, including models that are reproductions of classic kits however, entries must be built and finished to represent a version of the model available for sale as a kit prior to 1990. The entry may be an up or down sized version of the original model.
55.3 Data
The competitor must supply data to substantiate the model’s adherence to shape, color, and paint pattern. Data must be derived from a catalog, package insert, the kit’s instruction sheet, magazine and/or newsletter.